Building Dispute Resolution

Building Dispute Resolution


Lawyers know the law; we know building construction.

Building and construction litigation can be costly, stressful for both parties and often unnecessary. In the end, no one really wins in court except perhaps the lawyers. We have found that in reality, the root cause of a dispute can often be found in poor design or lack of effective supervision rather than in the execution of trades workmanship.

We have the proven expertise to unravel and understand complex problems and to separate and identify the design, management and construction responsibilities attaching to the particular dispute, without resort to the law.

We confer with both parties to gain an understanding of the issues from their respective points of view. We then undertake a process known as “Early Neutral Evaluation” to guide our initial determination of the factual basis of a claim by claimant and defendant, both. When our review is complete we provide totally unbiased advice on how to resolve a dispute at a fraction of the cost of litigation.

Our team of industry experts have the experience and skills to resolve your dispute quickly, fairly and cost effectively.